Winter Guard Resources
Director Contacts
Eric Thornbury, Director- 317-773-4600 x12246
Jacob Crossley, Associate Director - 317-773-4600 x12220
Jeffrey Welsh, Color Guard Director -
Cal Lennon, Percussion Director -
Point Parent Contacts
Meghan Ferens- Guard Point Parent-
Band Booster Contacts
Emily Alexander, President-
Jen Melton, VP -
Kim Eshbaugh, Volunteer Coordinator -
Jacky Doke, Treasurer-
Required Checklist for Winter Guard Eligibility
**Must be completed to participate **
In personSign-Up Form and Registration Fee
Medical Form - Orange Form
Concussion & Cardiac Arrest Acknowledgement - Signature on Blue Form
2024-2025 Commitment Contract (Page 10 2024-2025 handbook)
2024-2025 Winter Guard Handbook
CDC Heads Up - Concussion Facts & Information
Payment Information
$300 non-refundable registration fee applies to all students participating in auditions.
$150 invoiced and due Oct. 7th
$150 invoiced and due Oct. 25th
The remaining $700 balance will be invoiced in November and DUE March 1st, 2025
$150 DUE 11/15/24
$150 DUE 12/15/24
$150 DUE 1/15/25
$150 DUE 2/15/25
$100 DUE 3/1/25
Payment options and pay schedules will be included in the email with your invoice.
Monthly reminders will be sent until invoices are paid in full.
Questions: Jacky Doke, Treasurer -
Winter Guard Family Volunteer Opportunities
Parent Communication
Weekly newsletter from Boosters
Download the Bandapp and join the group!
Facebook Private Group:
Noblesville Color Guard 2024-2025
These groups are for additional discussion. This is not our primary source of communication. Our Facebook group is private/by request and only for Noblesville Band families. If you have complaints, please do not post those in the Facebook group.
Public social media:
Facebook Page: Noblesville High School Bands
Twitter: @NoblesvilleBand
Instagram: @NoblesvilleBand