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The Noblesville High School Marching Millers would like to thank you for considering an individual marching member sponsorship.

Your sponsorship will help pay for our bands’ opportunity to once again be competitive in the

ISSMA Open Class A Field Show Competition.

Please consider sponsoring a marcher by making a flat donation to help participation in this amazing activity that represents and serves our community.

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Your donation goes directly to the student of your choice to support them this Marching season.

There is a credit card transaction fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. for using this credit card processing service to donate.

The Noblesville Band Boosters also accepts donations via VENMO on student's behalf to be put into their student account as credit toward their band fees. Venmo does not charge transaction fees when using your balance/debit card/bank.

Cash or Checks (made out to the Noblesville Band Boosters) along with the paper form are accepted all marching season long and all donations from this method of payment will be deposited into the students band credit account.

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Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024

© 2021 by Noblesville Band Boosters, Inc. 

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