Semi -State:
It's my estimation (very rough estimate) that our kids have put in nearly 300 hours of rehearsal time this marching season. 300 hours! Be proud of your son or daughter for making this commitment. It's HUGE. It's takes every single member on the field for the band to improve. If this were soccer, they would all be varsity starters. It takes everyone all in... 100% of the time. When a few are missing, the impact is felt by all.... so kudos to the kids for their commitment! #LifeSkills
This weekend our band has the opportunity to do something no Marching Millers have EVER done. The Marching Millers are contenders to make ISSMA Class A State Finals. 21 bands will perform and only 10 will be selected as Class A State Finalist. BOA Grand National Champions consistently come from Indiana Class A. To be named a Class A State Finalist puts you in a VERY elite class. Spots will be earned and missed by tenths of a point. Honestly, just being mentioned in the conversation as a State Finalist contender is something to be VERY proud of! 🖤💛
Semi State Breakfast of Champions at NHS - Saturday 10/30:
Parent helpers at 7am (watch fb & band app for volunteer call outs - griddles, pancake flipping, etc...)
Breakfast starts at 7:30am ☀️
Sending them off with spirit and full bellies!
In the stands: Be loud. Be proud. The band feeds off of the energy of the audience! Try your best to sit in groups (maybe someone could post in band app where large groups are sitting). When I say Black! You say GOLD!
Send off the Marching Millers Saturday 12:15pm Bus Parking Lot at NHS: Looking for parents and fans to join in cheering on our amazing marching band!!! Join us this Saturday at 12:15 pm in the high school north lot (bus lot) if you can play an instrument (Go! Fight! Win! ) or cheer. Bring your instrument, noise makers, Pom-poms, posters. Anything to pep the marching band as the busses pull away heading to semi-state!
Notes of Encouragement 🎵
Our kids continue to shine! Let's show them how much we believe in them... We are asking for all parents to send a note (index card size) of encouragement/ support/cheer to their son/daughter for semi-state! We will be hanging messages up for them to see. If you could, please bring a note this week (the sooner the better)! Drop the note in the Spirit box on the donation table station. If you aren't able to drop it off, send your note to the attention spirit at ( Let's go!!! #blackgold
Tickets: Class A Semi State Ticket Purchasing
Ben Davis High School Adults - $8.00 Students - $5.00 Pre-school children - $5.00 NOTE - Children under two years of age, carried in arms, will be admitted free of charge to any ISSMA event. Ticketing at Ben Davis High School is now nearly 100% electronic as a response to COVID 19. We would highly recommend purchasing tickets ahead of time online or even onsite via the QR code we are providing. Tickets will be available for cash or credit card at Gate 1 but please consider online purchasing to avoid the potential for a long line. Only one ticket booth will be handling cash. You can print a ticket receipt or show the purchase on your phone as you enter. GATE 1: Ticket Sales Entrance. (Will accept cash and credit card purchases.) GATE 2: Pre-Sale Entrance. Please have your proof of purchase ready as you enter Gate 2. Online ticket purchase link:
Schedule & Parking Map:
Marching Millers perform at 4:15pm
Awards: 7:00pm 🏆
Semi State Volunteers:
Community Night:
Thursday October 28th, 2021
Bring your friends and family to enjoy food trucks, watch the Marching Millers perform and see the winning raffle ticket be drawn (it could be yours!) Food will be available for sale and the band performs at 8:15! We will have delicious treats for sale including: Celtic Pretzel, Rose & Lois coffees, Samano’s Mexican, and Kettlecorn
7:00pm gates open
7:40pm - Parent Drill (parents will step into their students drill spot and perform part of the show)! Sure to be entertaining!
8:15pm - Marching Millers perform 2021 Competition show - Orpheus
8:30pm - 50/50 Raffle Drawing Admission is FREE!!! Raffle tickets will be for sale at this event (CASH only), so it’s not too late to get your tickets!! You can also go to: to request your raffle tickets in advance!
** In the event of inclement weather, this event will be canceled (we will still draw a winning ticket on Facebook live Noblesville Band Boosters 50/50 Raffle)!**
Rescheduling this event on short notice is, unfortunately, not feasible due to personnel and facility schedules.
8:30pm - Facebook live raffle drawing - rain or shine!
50/50 Raffle
The pot is currently closing in on $27,000 and growing exponentially by the day! Can we make it to $30K by Thursday? Tickets will be available at Community Night (cash only) OR by requesting tickets on our website - (Jacky or myself will contact you to arrange ticket pick up/drop off)
Don't look back!
BlackGold! 🖤💛
Amanda Sheets
Noblesville Band Boosters