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It's Contest Week...Let's Croooowww!


It's finally week! For veteran marching parents this weekend has been long awaited. There is nothing like hearing "Noblesville Marching Millers take the field" or participating in the stadium chant, "I say say Millers...". If you're a rookie this year...get ready! This is the time of year where it all comes together and moves at record pace. I encourage both veterans and rookies alike to attend the Contest 101 dessert gathering this Thursday. It's a great way to learn about contest etiquette, purchase spirit items, and meet other Marching Miller parents that you will surely see in the stands!

For me, nothing trumps the moments watching my children do what they love! They have put in hours of work and now that work is on display. As you watch your student on the field Saturday, don't forget about the part that YOU play in the Marching Millers' success. Thank you to all the volunteers that have assisted with practices, decorating, food, selling raffle tickets, props, etc.... BUT the season isn't over! WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! Help can be as small as paying your marching invoice two weeks early (success is expensive) or as large as pushing a nest onto the field each contest...and there are a million opportunities in between. Be sure to check out the volunteer needs listed in this newsletter. Our students have given 110%...let's give 110% back to them!

Marching Band Quick Info

  • Contest this weekend is in Brownsburg at 8:15pm. See important info below.

  • Contest 101: Find out what contests are all about THIS THURSDAY @ 6:30pm in the Jr./Sr. cafe. Bring a dessert to share!

  • Schedule change from original calendar. October 2nd/3rd/4th. Check your email and/or marching website for more details on how this change impacts your student's section.

  • 50/50 Raffle is almost $22,000!!!! Get more details here.

  • Fees - Invoices due by October 1st (or before)! See update/info below from our treasurer.

  • Marketing: Please thank our new marketing chair, Karen Piehl, for her amazing contributions to help us grow our online presence! Questions, comments or suggestions may be directed to Karen -

  • WE NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR THE FOLLOWING: Brownsburg competition, September practices, football games, tailgating, band meals, Homecoming parade and raffle sales! Check out our Volunteer page with Sign Up Genius Links AND HELP WANTED section! Be sure to check back often to discover how you can meet the volunteer hour requirement. More info here. Black and Gold Sign-up coming soon (don't forget all families will need 3 hours on this day)!


Upcoming Dates

  • September 7th - Contest 101 @6:30 Jr./Sr. Cafe

  • September 9th - Brownsburg Invitational Contest Performance Time 8:15 pm

  • September 15th - Homecoming Parade and Game (7:30pm start time)

  • September 23rd - NHS Black and Gold Marching Invitational (Each family is required to volunteer for 3 hours on this date)

  • September 30th - Fishers Invitational Contest

  • October 6th - Senior Night at Football game

  • November 6th - Marching Banquet @6:30


Brownsburg Contest Information


Water the Children!!!!

Please help your student remember water. There have been many students "borrowing" a water from the closet recently. They should be drinking water ALL DAY and refilling for practice on school practice days. A snack to eat after school is can also be helpful! EVERY SINGLE STUDENT IS IMPORTANT TO THE BAND! All are first string varsity players with no subs. We want everyone to be at their best for practice as we head into this exciting stretch of the season! We can help by making sure our students are rested, hydrated and all snacked up. It is time to SOAR!!

Jen Melton, Food Coordinator


Update to current policy - please read!

During rehearsals and camp days we have a parent volunteer on site (most often sitting under the tent). Parent volunteers are there to help assess why a student is sitting out and to help take the appropriate course of action (band-aid/ice, notify staff, call parent, etc…). All visits to the parent volunteer should be recorded (using the QR code on site). Directors do review this information.

Please note:

  • We do NOT have any medical personnel on site.

  • We do not have over the counter (OTC) medications available to students and parent volunteers will not be dispensing meds to students. If your student needs OTC meds you are welcome to bring the medication to your student.

  • All prescription meds need to be given to directors.

  • Parents will be called regarding any student who is sitting out of rehearsal for an extended amount of time.

  • Parent Volunteers - please read our updated protocols available on the clipboard in the orange first aid bag.


$$$ Marching Band Fee Information From Your Friendly Neighborhood Band Treasurer

Did you know you can view your invoice payments in real time?Quick Books automatically updates and adjusts invoices as payments are entered. For QB electronic payments, this can be viewed immediately. For Venmo, cash or check payments, this will update as payments are entered manually (1-5 days).To view your most up to date balance, open any invoice that has been sent your email this season and you will see all payments or credits that have been made to date.Remember the FULL balance of $900 is due by Oct. 1st!

  • It is encouraged that you to make payments regularly until the balance is paid in full. After that date, any accounts holding a balance will be turned over to our Accounts Receivable Dept. for collection purposes.

Ireland Update

If you plan to utilize student fundraising funds towards Ireland you MUST request this by emailing

PLEASE NOTE: Students traveling to Ireland will not be eligible for financial assistance from the boosters for the 2023-2024 school year.


Jacky Doke, Treasurer -


Contests 2023

Our website has been updated with contest location information! We will be traveling to Brownsburg on Sept 9th (approximate performance time is 8:15pm) and Fishers on Sept 30th. BOA, Regionals, and Semi-state/State (if we qualify) can also be found on the website.

For any contest, students should plan for a full day of rehearsal/competition. Typically students arrive at school for a pre-contest rehearsal, eat lunch (from home or sectional parent), get dressed and travel to the contest site. They are long days, but full of energy and excitement! Parents, for planning purposes, we typically perform in the evening and a full contest schedule will be released approximately 2 weeks prior. As soon as we have specific information regarding performance time, full contest schedule, parking details and ticket info we will post on the website, Band app and Facebook.


Packing Reminders for games/competitions (band/percussion only)

Students are responsible to bring the following (we may not have extras):

  • Black shorts

  • Black compression shirt

  • Black crew/knee socks (no skin showing)

  • Compression sleeves

  • Gloves

  • Marching shoes

  • Hair accessories as needed (see below)

  • Water jug

Hair Info: Hair must be smooth, off the collar, and able to fit into the shako (hat). It is a good idea to keep gel, hairspray, bobby pins and hairbands in a bag that comes to every competition/game.

The Marching Millers also have a student uniform crew that can help with any uniform questions. Gloves/socks/compression shirts can usually be purchased from Dawn Bailey the day of, if your student forgets theirs.

Questions? Contact Dawn Bailey


50/50 Raffle Information

Can you believe it? We are over a $20,000 pot! We have been averaging about $1500 a week, and we want to keep that momentum going. Share, share, share our social media posts to get the word out there. EACH TIME YOU SHARE A SOCIAL MEDIA BLAST WE GET AN ONLINE ORDER! Share, share, share on all of your social media outlets! We are so appreciative of the volunteers and the parents who are checking out tickets to sell. Remember that out-of-towners can also purchase! Don't forget to ask that uncle in South Carolina if he wants a chance at half the pot! He can order on the website:

Remember, half of the money we raise goes to our awesome band and guard programs.


Ireland Information

Any participant signed up to go to Ireland should have received an email from Music Travel with helpful information. You can also read that information here. A question was asked about communicating with parents not traveling to Ireland. Music Travel has an app with a specific trip code that will be used to communicate to travelers any schedule updates/changes. Parents stateside can also sign up for the app and keep apprised of the newest information. Signing up will be discussed at a meeting closer to the travel date.



Reminder that working with students (volunteering, feeding sections during meals, etc….) requires you to have a level 3 background check on file with Noblesville Schools. Link to apply can be found at the top of our volunteer page. The boosters are providing bright yellow lanyards (pictured) for those who have an approved background check on file! You must wear this lanyard anytime you are volunteering or working with students! Thank you so much to those of you who picked up your lanyards at our parent social! For those who did not, and have an approved background check… your lanyard can be found in the uniform closet (inside gate 30). If you were recently approved, please forward your approval email to and we will make you a lanyard! We do not get notifications about new approvals. Approval email will come from:

Volunteer Information - Sign Up Genius

If you are looking at Sign Up Genius on the mobile version, please make sure you click the "View Full Description" to read ALL of the details! Where to go, who to contact if you have a question, what is required, etc.... Lots of questions can be answered by reading this FULL description.


Thank you for reading until the end! Let me know if there is any information you would like included in upcoming newsletters.


Kristen Durst

Secretary, Noblesville Band Boosters

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