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It's "Crow" Time!


Hang on's crow time! Hallways are decorated, movement one is in the air (and on the ground), and band camp spirits are soaring! It is truly hard to believe that school starts in a couple of weeks. Thank you to the section parents, spirit chairs and camp volunteers for making the marching experience so enjoyable for the students. Thursday evening's Rite of Summer is a special night for all students, please see note below for more details!

For those with only a few spare moments, information highlights can be found in the Marching Band Quick Info section, BUT I encourage you to read the entire newsletter! Upcoming dates are also included at the bottom. DISCLAIMER: Mr. Thornbury's e-mails always have the most recent information.

Marching Band Quick Info

  • Senior Banner orders due Thursday! Reach out to Tori VanNatter with questions!

  • Marching Band Pictures: Deadline to order pictures is August 14th! If your student has not had their picture taken, please reach out to Tenth Street Photography for a retake; yes, your student can borrow their uniform!

  • Freshman Orientation: Freshmen are excused to go to orientation during band camp and return to camp as soon as possible. Directors are aware of the situation (this is an annual conflict).

  • Summer Uniforms will be needed NEXT THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. Students will wear the summer uniform at the Staff Breakfast and Back to School Bash, please make sure your student can locate all three parts (shirt, shorts, hat)!

  • Drill Camp continues through next week! Each day has a themed dress-up day and evening activity. Please see full calendar on our marching page! There are still many volunteer slots available for practices.

  • Thursday "Rite of Summer" Note: You may notice that Thursday's evening activity is immediately after practice and mandatory. There is also the phrase "fluid end time". The Rite of Summer is an activity for students and by students. It is a time for seniors to share what marching has meant to them and to ignite a fire for the upcoming season. It is impossible to predict exactly when this rite will end and students are encouraged to not be on their phones (so they may not respond to your texts). Please be patient...I promise it will be an impacting evening!

  • Spirit Store is open!!! See below for more information.

  • Shoe and Glove orders: Look for shoe and glove orders to arrive later this week or next week. They will be sent home with students.

  • Fees - $600 invoices sent out! See update/info below from our treasurer.

  • Social Media - Join our FB parent group! Ask your section parent for information on joining the BAND App!

  • Volunteer - August rehearsal dates are now available! Check out our Volunteer page with Sign Up Genius Links AND HELP WANTED section! Be sure to check back often to discover how you can meet the volunteer hour requirement. More info here.

  • YOUTUBE Channel: Check out our Noblesville Band Boosters @NoblesvilleBandBoosters YouTube Channel for helpful “How To” Videos! Rehearsal volunteering, location of black box mailbox, setting up the E-ZUP pop up shelters, etc.. We will continue to add to this collection!


Upcoming Dates

  • July 20th - Senior Banner order deadline

  • July 17th -21st/July 24th -26th - Band Camp (8am-5pm w/evening activities)

  • July 27th - Teacher Breakfast

  • July 28th - Back to School Bash

  • July 31st - First day of school; regular rehearsal schedule begins (winds 4-6:30)

  • July 31st - Spirit Store closes

  • August 12th - Camp Day 8am-5pm

  • August 14th - Deadline to order marching band photos

  • August 17th - Spirit Store orders pick-up

  • August 18th - Football Game @ Lucas Oil Stadium

  • August 26th - Camp Day 8am-5pm


Spirit Store

The 2023 Spirit Store is open for business! Please note the closing late orders can be accepted. All marching millers receive a short-sleeved show shirt compliments of the Band Boosters. Any other show "gear" will need to be purchased. There will be a second spirit store in early September to stock up on winter hats, hoodies, and other warm-weather gear. Store closes on July 31st at midnight. Order pick-up outside of stadium on August 17th. Click here to see the store!

Some veteran tips:

  • Winds students are required to wear white at Thursday stadium rehearsals. The spirit store has tank tops, white T's and white hoodies to keep your student comfortable throughout the season!

  • Duffel bags are great for competition days. There is a special compartment for shoes to catch those annoying "turf turds". NEW THIS YEAR: Add your student's name to the outside of the bag.

  • Many marching members display yard signs throughout the marching season; they can be used year after year!

  • There are three tabs: Show Shirt, Apparel, Accessories in the store.


Prop Union

Shout out and thanks to our props parents who generously gave their Saturday to pull off a very successful build session! If you couldn’t be a part of that first Saturday build event, not to worry - we are scheduling additional build evenings and days. Join the Prop Union group on the band app to get all the latest info on how you can help bring these nests to reality!

Questions? Contact Scott Vowels and/or Craig Alexander


$$$ Marching Band Fee Information From Your Friendly Neighborhood Band Treasurer

The success of our program heavily relies on each family to fulfill their financial obligations. As stated on the “commitment to excellence” information sheet, students are responsible for fundraising or paying a fee of $900.

The invoice schedule for the collection of these fees is as follows:

  • The remaining $600 balance has been invoiced and will be due by October 1, 2023. Monthly reminders will be sent until invoices are paid in full.

  • If you have not seen your invoices come through please email the treasurer.

*Outstanding balances from previous seasons must be settled to participate in the current season.

Ireland Update

If you plan to utilize student fundraising funds towards Ireland you MUST request this by emailing I am in communication with Music Travel and can apply fundraised funds at any time towards your Ireland balance. Communication is key.

PLEASE NOTE: Students traveling to Ireland will not be eligible for financial assistance from the boosters for the 2023-2024 school year.


Jacky Doke, Treasurer -


Food Coordinator Notes

Hello from the food committee! Popsicles will provided for the students once each day during band camp as a cool treat! Snacks are available for students on all full band camp days. Please feel free to send snacks with your student as well! #TeenagersAreHungry

All food and meal items are kept stored in the band room in sealed containers because we did have mouse visitors a few years ago. We would like to avoid inviting them back, so please remind your student not to leave food out in the band room overnight. Thanks for your help with this!

If you have snacks you would like to donate, we would be glad to have them! Please feel free to put them in the food container marked “donations” in the food closet. Thanks!

Do you have a student with a food allergy? Please email me and let me know what your student’s allergy and severity is. We will do our best to accommodate them! We do keep one bin of snacks that is peanut/tree nut free, but please have your student read labels and double check if this is a concern or them. We do our best to keep the bin peanut/tree nut free, but sometimes things get dropped in.


Jen Melton, Food Coordinator -


50/50 Raffle Information

Band family, we are on our way! At last count, the pot for the Black and Gold 50/50 Raffle is $4520 and we are ahead of where we were this time last year. You can check out tickets to sell, you can buy tickets, and you can send people to the website to order theirs online:

We can also use your support! Go to band website and check out the Sign Up Genius to get your volunteer hours at one of our upcoming booths.

Remember, half of the money we raise goes to our awesome band and guard programs.


Volunteer Lanyards

Reminder that working with students (volunteering, feeding sections during meals, etc….) requires you to have a level 3

background check on file with Noblesville Schools. Link to apply can be found at the top of our volunteer page. The boosters are providing bright yellow lanyards (pictured) for those who have an approved background check on file! You must wear this lanyard anytime you are volunteering or working with students! Thank you so much to those of you who picked up your lanyards at our parent social! For those who did not, and have an approved background check… your lanyard can be found in the uniform closet (inside gate 30). If you were recently approved, please forward your approval email to and we will make you a lanyard! We do not get notifications about new approvals. Approval email will come from:

Volunteer Information - Sign Up Genius

If you are looking at Sign Up Genius on the mobile version, please make sure you click the "View Full Description" to read ALL of the details! Where to go, who to contact if you have a question, what is required, etc.... Lots of questions can be answered by reading this FULL description.


Thank you for reading until the end! Let me know if there is any information you would like included in upcoming newsletters.


Kristen Durst

Secretary, Noblesville Band Boosters


© 2021 by Noblesville Band Boosters, Inc. 

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