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Marching Parent E-Learning

Updated: Aug 25, 2022

Two weeks before competition season kicks off! I'm SO excited! The kids and directors are working hard and we parents are just trying to keep up with the schedules, questions, paperwork & payments due! I've created a checklist for marching parent e-learning to help you stay on task (feel free to add laundry, cleaning and cooking to this... or not)!

Marching Parent "e-learning" TO DO List


Concert Band

Under the Direction of Eric Thornbury & Jacob Crossley

  • Tuxedo and Dress order forms can be found on the concert band page! All orders are due Sept 2nd, 2022 by 3pm.

  • Dress ordered through band dept is a long black dress with tie (can be a bow or knot) at the waist in the back. See adorable models in photo!

  • Clothing does not need to be ordered through the band dept, but from one parent to another - it saves a lot of headaches in shopping!

  • Private lesson instructors AND sign ups can also be found on the concert band page!


Marching Band

Under the Direction of Eric Thornbury & Jacob Crossley

Senior Night:

Senior night is Friday Oct 14th. More details to follow.

Middle School Choir:

Do you know a middle school choir student? The Marching Millers are looking for middle school music students that would like to perform as a choir with the Marching Millers in the 2022 Field Show, A Million Dreams. Please see our marching band page for additional info!

Tailgate Town:

THANK YOU to Kelly & Gene Murray who served the most delicious tacos EVER for our first Tailgate Town Band Parent Tailgate! Look for info coming for the next home game as we learned from week 1 and are going BIG for week 2! #BandParentsUnite #BandFamilyTailgate #Tacos

Marching Band Photographer:

  • Group photo & individual retakes Oct 1st (during group photo).

  • Any senior who misses can go to 10th street to have photo taken (for senior banner). Please call 10th Street to schedule a time & take uniform.

  • Your student will bring a paper home to order. If they didn't bring home the paper, you can fill out this form on the 10th Street website to have your child's code emailed to you!

Your Pictures:

Parents and Students we would love to capture all your memories from this season in one place to have archives and a slide show at the end of the season. Please use this link and add any photos from practices, games, shows and just the day to day marching band. Students, we would love to have some "behind the scenes" photos too. In order to add photos please click on the button at the top that looks like a photo + (highlighted below).

Questions please reach out to Sonya Bolon by text at (317) 428-7159 or email at


Please direct any financial questions/concerns to our treasurer, Jacky Doke.

Black & Gold Marching Invitational - Oct 1st:

We are working hard to coordinate logistics for our upcoming invitational. New location, new stadium and some logistics to figure out! We hope to have volunteer sign ups posted in the next 2 weeks. Please be patient as we coordinate planning this event!

Black & Gold Ads (Fundraising Opportunity!):

You may purchase and SELL Black & Gold Ads for our 2022 Black & Gold Marching Band Invitational Program! Students earn 50% of all ads sold for student fundraising! This form can be found on our marching band page! All ads are due Sept 7th, 2022!

  • Do you have a small business

  • A neighbor, friend, family member with a small business

  • Many sections get together and place ads "Good luck Low Reeds!"

  • Senior parents - great way to honor or embarrass your senior!

Raffle Fundraiser:

The 50/50 raffle ticket recall exchanges are going great! Don’t forget that if you have black raffle tickets that they need exchanged for the new white tickets. Thank you for all your support and for helping spread the word about our ticket recall.

The raffle pot is currently $9,750.00 and growing! This is a very important parent run fundraiser for the band boosters. Last year’s winner took home half the pot which was $14,505, and the band boosters got the same amount! We are planning to have a much bigger pot this year! This year's drawing will be on fb live on 10/5/2022. You do not need to be present to win.

Ticket prices:

1 ticket- $5

5 tickets- $20

15 tickets- $50

30 tickets- $100

Want to help by selling tickets to family, coworkers, and friends? We have 2 ways:

1. Purchase tickets for them. You can use the raffle ticket tracking form to take ticket requests (not required , just a helpful tool). This form can be found found at:

2. We will also have ticket bundles available that you can "check out" and go sell. Then you can return any unused tickets and money collected to the raffle committee. These bundles will have instructions included with them.

The raffle committee booth will be set up in the NHS north parking lot for ticket bundle pickup and for purchasing raffle tickets every Thursday from 8:00-9:00 pm. Look for our raffle flag!

*Additional information will be given during pickup


Questions? Contact Noblesville Band Boosters:

Or visit our raffle page:

Parents, go get your e-learning done so we can all go out and play in 2 weeks!


Amanda Sheets

Noblesville Band Boosters

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