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It's go time! The next two weeks will fly by, and we have some big things ahead of us! It has been so fun to watch the band "come together" to put an amazing show on the field, and I can't wait to see what they do next! Lots of things going on these next few weeks. Read below to stay up to date!

Marching Band Quick Info

  • BOA Super Regional Competition: Noblesville will perform at 8:45 pm on 10/18 at Lucas Oil in prelims. Details below. NO VIDEO PERMITTED

  • Award Jackets: Letter jackets are now on sale! Jackets can by ordered here. Sale closes on 10/29 at 3:00 PM.

  • Semi-State Competition: Noblesville will perform at 2:45 PM on 10/26. Watch for more details next week!

  • Fees - Invoices are now overdue! Contact Jacky Doke at with questions.


50/50 Raffle Wrap Up

The Raffle Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Marching Miller

Family for your hard work this raffle season. The money raised helps all of our wonderful band and guard programs, and our success would not happen without your support and hard work.

Be sure to join us on Community Night on Nov. 7 to watch us officially give the band its big check! We raised almost $60,000 this year, and half of that pot will help our amazing musicians and guard.

If you think you'd like to be a part of the Raffle Committee fun, reach out via the Facebook page or to any of the committee members. We'd love to welcome you and continue to have a strong committee, even as some of us graduate in May. 

Here's to a great end to our Streetcorner Symphony season!


BOA Super Regional Information

We have experienced invitationals and our first ISSMA event. We are on to the third type of marching show we compete in this season: BOA or Bands of America competitions!

This is a really fun event with a couple of differences from what we have done so far this season. 84ish bands will compete Friday and Saturday in prelims. 14 bands will advance to finals Saturday evening. These finalists will be announced on Saturday at 4 PM, and our marchers will watch the announcements together. If Noblesville makes finals, they will mobilize quicky and head down to Lucas Oil joyfully! If they don't make finals, all students will get a wristband that will give them admission to finals. They will need to find their own transportation down for finals. The Indianapolis BOA Super Regional is an exceptionally competitive BOA competition. Grand Nationals are held in Lucas Oil every year, so many bands travel from across the country to have a practice run in Lucas Oil before Grand Nationals. There will be some amazing performances to see!

Here are the details we know for certain:

  • Prelims performance time - 8:45 PM Friday 10/18

  • Lucas Oil is a cashless venue.

  • Lucas Oil has a clear bag policy.

  • No video recording is allowed.

More info on tickets, parking, schedule, etc. can be found here!


Food Fun!

Thank you to everyone that stopped by and had some pancakes and/or spread the word about the pancake breakfast last Saturday! It was really nice to sit and catch up for a few minutes with each other, and the pancakes were delicious! Shout out to our partners at Kiwanis for their help in making this happen! We were able to raise some money for our food fund and have some time to come together this busy season! Read below for a peek at some of the things that money will help fund!

Thursday, 10/17 - Concessions for sale during lunch. Soda, candy, and chips will all be available. EVERYTHING IS $1! Cash and card accepted.

Friday 10/18 - Boosters will provide two slices of pizza, Gatorade, and applesauce pouches for all students during loading time before the performance for a quick fuel up! Students should also pack a lunch, plenty of water and snacks.

Saturday 10/19 - Boosters will provide snacks and drinks during the finalist announcements watch time. Expect crackers, cheese sticks, and a fruit option.

Thursday 10/24 - Popcorn bar during lunch for all students! This is free for all students and lots of fun!

Saturday 10/26 - Plans are in the works for a semi-state meal. Stay tuned!

Random Need - Anyone have a folding wagon that they don't use anymore and would like to donate to the band? Email if so!


Awards and Patches

Many people have been asking about patches and awards. All of the information about how/when a student earns awards is on the band website awards page. At the bottom of the awards page are two helpful links: buy a lost patch/pin and inquire about a patch that was never received. Sarah Scholl or Gretchen Horne will reach out regarding any ordered or overlooked awards.


Volunteers Needed!

Have you met your volunteer requirement for the season? Check with Kim Eshbaugh at if you aren't sure! We have lots of spots open for help at practice this week and next!

Met your requirement but just want to help? We would LOVE your help! This is a great time of year to watch practice. The weather is pretty pleasant, and the show is really coming together! Sign up to help here!

Volunteer note - we have a VERY limited number of passes for BOA, so no chaperone sign up is needed for this one. We have prop parents and staff pulling double duty this weekend!


Upcoming Dates

  • October 18th - Contest: BOA Super Regionals prelims at Lucas Oil - performance time 8:45 PM

  • October 26h - ISSMA Semi-State at Ben Davis - performance time 2:45 PM

  • October 29th - Award jacket orders due by 3:00 PM.

  • November 7th - Community Night

  • November 9th - ISSMA State Finals at Lucas Oil (if qualified)

  • November 14th - ISSMA Grand Nationals prelims at Lucas Oil

  • November 20th - Marching Band Banquet

Thank you for reading until the end! Let me know if there is any information you would like included in upcoming newsletters.


Jen Melton

Vice President, Noblesville Band Boosters


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