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The Calm Before the Storm

A long holiday weekend is going to be a much needed break for many families and students! #MyLegsHurt But Friends, don't be lulled into vacation life! Band is about to kick it up a notch to full competition season. It's intense, it's fast paced and it's going to be an incredible ride! Hang on!

Marching Parent TO DO List

Deadlines coming up!

Other Important Action Items:

  • PLEASE keep selling raffle tickets & exchange any recalled tickets! Parent pick up Thursday 8-9pm in the north lot. The pot is up to $11,965!!

  • Add any of YOUR photos from the season to our google drive for end of season slide show & social media sharing!

  • Pick up a volunteer shift! Raffle, props, chaperones, rehearsals & football games! Lawrence Contest just added!


Concert Band

Under the Direction of Eric Thornbury & Jacob Crossley

  • Tuxedo and Dress order forms can be found on the concert band page! All orders are due Sept 2nd, 2022 by 3pm.

  • Dress ordered through band dept is a long black dress with tie (can be a bow or knot) at the waist in the back. See adorable models in photo!

  • Clothing does not need to be ordered through the band dept, but from one parent to another - it saves a lot of headaches in shopping!

  • Private lesson instructors AND sign ups can also be found on the concert band page!


Marching Band

Under the Direction of Eric Thornbury & Jacob Crossley

Band App:

Social media is an amazing tool for us to stay connected and share with each other! Can you imagine how band parents functioned in the 1980's? #PhoneChain With that being said, please be mindful of the fact that the BandApp is much like a "Group Text" with 183 people. #DingDingDingDing Each post and comment "chimes" each of our phones. It is my concern that many have turned off notifications and as we enter competition season are going to miss some important info coming from directors & boosters! Before posting a question on the Band App, please consider utilizing one of our other great resources...

  • Ask in your section group (smaller group is a good first place to ask).

  • Double check the newsletter (maybe look back a week too). Newsletters can be found on our website under the "More Info" on the menu #ReadItAll

  • Check our website for a list of all chairs & coordinators who might be able to help with a specific topic (medical, contests, banquets, volunteers, etc..) #WeHaveSomeoneForThat

  • Ask in our private Facebook group if you are on Facebook. This platform isn't as "group texty" in terms of notifications so is a better platform for lengthy discussion.

If after going through this list, you still need help or have a question - PLEASE don't hesitate to post! This is a newer App and we're still navigating how to best use it for effective communication! The Band App is for all to use and I'm confident we can all live happily ever after together on Band App Island! #DontVoteMeOff

Senior Night:

Marching Band Senior night is Friday Oct 14th. More details to follow. #ClassOf2023

Transportation Fee:

As of today, Holly has only received 71 out of 163! That means 1/2 of our band won't be eligible to travel to Lawrence. (Gonna be an awkward show with only 1/2 the band) PLEASE TURN IN TRANSPORTATION FORM AND PAY FEE!!! Transportation form is on Marching page and here is a direct link to the form! This form is also available in the band room.

Contest 101 - "Sweets & Deets" for Marching Parents

Thursday September 8th - 6:30pm

Start in Jr/Sr Cafe & move to stadium to join band later!

Dessert, parent social time, contest questions, judging/scoring AND practicing our parent stadium spirit and cheers for 2022!

Ask ALL of your contest questions!

Learn about scoring & judging!

Track Show, Field Show & BOA explained.

ISSMA State Contest explained!

You will leave more informed and ready to talk band with your kid!

Lawrence Contest:

Saturday September 10th

Noblesville performs at 7pm. Awards at 7:45pm

We are still waiting for more info from Lawrence regarding tickets, parking, etc.... but please see the daily schedule from Mr. Thornbury (posted in the band app) for our first contest!! I will share any additional info as we receive it (will have in news next Wednesday)!

Lawrence Chaperone Sign UP Genius just added to Volunteer page!

BOA Ohio:

Saturday September 17th

Columbus, OH (Fortress Obetz is the name of the stadium)

Noblesville performs in prelims at NOON.

Finalist bands announced at 4:30pm

IF we make finals, we will perform between 7:30pm - 10:15pm.

More details on the timeline of this day will be coming from Mr. Thornbury VERY soon (Turn on Notifications on your Band App!). We will be traveling to a host school between performances for students to rest. It will be a long day, but this is where memories and lifelong friends are made!

Homecoming Parade:

Friday Sept 23rd

The band will march in the parade, eat dinner at NHS and then prep for game! Yes, it's a long day! #Memories

The parade route is the same as it was for the 4th of July.

Look for the Homecoming Parade Sign-Up Genius to go live soon!

Another need we will have is CANDY. This is strictly voluntary and by no means required, but donations of non-melting (no chocolate) candy would be so appreciated! We actually ran out of candy well before the end of the parade route in July after purchasing what we thought would be enough! We are hoping donations will help make up the shortfall this time around!

There will be a collection bin at Contest 101 at the Stadium on Thursday, Sept. 8 and in the band room by the closet doors starting tonight. Please make sure you fasten the lid of the bin after you donate.

Thanks so much for your willingness to help out! 🖤💛

Michelle Neal, Parade Coordinator


Hot topic of the week!

Thank you to Dawn Bailey for working with Tenth Street Photography to ensure everyone is happy with photos.

  • Please check your account for new photo background options.

  • Tenth Street has assured us nobody's head will be cut off in the photo regardless of cropping online

  • Senior Banners should have stadium background. Senior banners must be ordered by Sept 1st to receive for first football game.

  • If you did not receive a paper order form, please email Dawn Bailey for your code ( Tenth Street sent her all of them.

  • Seniors may schedule a time for retake at Tenth Street (in time for senior banner). All other retakes and group photos will be Oct 1st (day of Black & Gold)

  • Questions PLEASE reach out to Dawn before contacting Tenth Street:

Dawn Bailey


Black & Gold Marching Invitational - Oct 1st:

We are working hard to coordinate logistics for our upcoming invitational. New location, new stadium and some logistics to figure out! We hope to have volunteer sign ups posted in the next week. Please be patient as we coordinate planning this event!

Black & Gold Ads (Fundraising Opportunity!):

You may purchase and SELL Black & Gold Ads for our 2022 Black & Gold Marching Band Invitational Program! Students earn 50% of all ads sold for student fundraising! This form can be found on our marching band page! All ads are due Sept 7th, 2022!

  • Do you have a small business

  • A neighbor, friend, family member with a small business

  • Many sections get together and place ads "Good luck Low Reeds!"

  • Senior parents - great way to honor or embarrass your senior!

Your Pictures:

Parents and Students we would love to capture all your memories from this season in one place to have archives and a slide show at the end of the season. Please use this link and add any photos from practices, games, shows and just the day to day marching band. Students, we would love to have some "behind the scenes" photos too. In order to add photos please click on the button at the top that looks like a photo.

Questions please reach out to Sonya Bolon by text at (317) 428-7159 or email

So Many GREAT photo have been added - please keep them coming!!


All marching fees due Oct 1st.

Invoice reminders will be going out this week via email. If you are NOT receiving emails, please reach out to Jacky immediately!

Please direct any financial questions/concerns to our treasurer, Jacky Doke.

Raffle Fundraiser:

Parent check out/purchase/exchange:

Thursday Sept 1st 8-9pm North Parking Lot

The raffle pot is currently $11,965.00 and growing! We appreciate all your help selling, and spreading the word about our ongoing ticket recall.

Ticket prices:

1 ticket- $5

5 tickets- $20

15 tickets- $50

30 tickets- $100

Want to help by selling tickets to family, coworkers, and friends? We have 2 ways:

  1. Purchase tickets for them. You can use the raffle ticket tracking form to take ticket requests (not required , just a helpful tool). This form can be found found at:

  2. We will also have ticket bundles available that you can "check out" and go sell. Then you can return any unused tickets and money collected to the raffle committee. These bundles will have instructions included with them.

The raffle committee booth will be set up in the NHS north parking lot for ticket bundle pickup and for purchasing raffle tickets every Thursday from 8:00-9:00 pm. Look for our raffle flag!

*Additional information will be given during pickup


Questions? Contact Noblesville Band Boosters:

Or visit our website:

Rest, relax and enjoy your Labor Day weekend!


Amanda Sheets

Noblesville Band Boosters

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